#I should have asked a garble question but that shall be next saturday
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northwyrm · 5 months ago
I mostly got the advice from published books on writing and my mum's university course when she did her PhD in creative writing and were like "get twitter, get a website, get an email list" - both the PhD course and the books are PROBABLY out of date by now (her course was 7 years ago I think?) but I remember it being a constant trio of 1. personal website 2. go on twitter for A WHOLE HOUR each day to promote your work (yikes?!) 3. email list (advertised on your twitter and personal website).
I guess the modern thing is "get a booktube and a booktok" rather than mailing list but as someone who likes to READ WORDS I think mailing lists and blogs are a far better way to follow writers than videos and social media!
I remember as a teen I followed a lot of author blogs (Derek Landy's is the main one I remember), and as an adult I enjoy the Dracula Daily emails so I think mailing lists should be brought back in fashion. I think they should be cool as hell again.
Storyteller Saturday! I just recieved your email from your mailing list (yay!) and I wanted to ask; do you follow anyone else's mailing lists? I've read before "if you want to be a good author you gotta make a mailing list to keep readers updated" but this is the first time I've seen one in the wild and followed it - what are your thoughts? Any mailing lists you would recommend?
I actually thought mailing lists were on the way out! I decided to do one mostly because I'm not cut out for any other social media and I like sending letters moreso than chatting or advertising haha. but yeah, I didn't think they were a big thing these days.... maybe they are?
I had no idea there was that sort of advice floating around! and I actually don't know any other good mailing lists, I haven't really explored them :O I would gladly follow some but I'm not sure where to find them...
sorry I don't have a more in-depth answer for you!
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thecleverdame · 6 years ago
Wild Times In Charming Acres - Chapter One
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Inspired by episode  14x15
JustinSmith!Sam x Reader, mentions of past Sam x Reader
Summary: Transported to another reality you find yourself married to a man named Justin Smith who may look like Sam, but couldn’t be further from a Winchester. As time goes by you decide to indulge in this Pleasantville world and wholesome husband.
Warnings: Fluff, smut and humor
Beta:  ilikaicalie
Words: 2k
Part Two is currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
You’ve been here a little over a month - you think. It’s hard to distinguish how long you've physically been in this place and how long you’ve known who you really are. You remember Dean casting a spell while you and Sam stood in the middle of the intricately drawn sigil on the floor.
And when you came to, you were here, in Charming Acres.
You woke up next to a man who looked like Sam but was decidedly not. Not in the way he talked or looked or acted. He rolled over in bed that first morning, shooting you a pouty little look of distress. “Who’s Sam? You must’ve had one of your dreams again.”
This Sam, or rather Justin as he insists on being called, is the polar opposite of the guy you’ve been dating for almost two years. You can’t do this on your own, you need Sam to get out of here. So for the last four weeks, you’ve been doing your best to assimilate, all the while working to jog Sam’s memories back to life.
“I’m home bunny rabbit!” His voice calls up the stairs accompanied by the front door slamming shut.
You sigh, earmarking the journal in hand and hollering back. “Oh good, I’m coming down!”
You had found a series of journals hidden the back of the closet inside a hat box, although you’re not sure why the former you, Beatrix Smith, hid them. All they are is a compilation of recipes, dull-as-dirt gossip and detailed gardening arrangements.
Bounding down the stairs you’re met with the sight of him. It still gets you every time. There he is in a Mister Rogers sweater and tie, glasses perched on his nose, hanging his overcoat in the closet. You’re married to Ward freaking Cleaver.
“How’s my girl?” He smiles, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek.
“I’m just great.” You force an unnaturally wide smile.
“I could smell dinner from the driveway.” He tilts his head, admiring you as if you’re his prize chihuahua. “It smells delicious.”
“Just meatloaf and mashed potatoes.” You never really took the time to cook before, but you’ve been forced to learn on your feet. In Charming Acres cooking and cleaning seem to be your primary functions.  “Nothing special.”
“Everything you make is wonderful,” he quips. “Let's have a drink before we eat, shall we?”
At supper, he drones on and on about some meeting at work that you could less about. You sit, sipping white wine, and try to feign interest.
“You know I don’t like to think ill of people, but I swear to you sweetheart, I’m not sure the man has honorable intentions. He inserts himself into every conversation, by golly it’s all I can do to hold my tongue.”
“That sounds...just awful.”
“Thank you!” He nods enthusiastically. “Bob thinks I’m overreacting, but the man is almost intolerable.”
“Bob is an idiot,” you comment without thinking and Sam sits up straight. Too harsh. “Sorry, I just meant, you’re so good with people honey, and Bob doesn’t strike me as a person who reads people well. That’s all.”
“Well,” he relaxes a bit. “You’re probably right.”
You’re not sure how much more you can take of this bland existence. It’s bordering on mind-numbing, the same mindless details day in and day out. You decided this morning you’re just going to go for it. There’s been hardly any physical contact since you got here. Sure, he occasionally put his hand over your shoulder but the most intimate he gets is the pecks on your lips every night before he rolls over to go to sleep.
“What’s that on the counter? Do I spy a letter from the Women’s Lit Society?” He purses his lips, looking like he’s discovered a naughty little secret.
The Charming Acres version of you writes poetry about sunflowers, spring rain and hummingbirds taking flight.
“Nothing gets by you,” you chide. “They’re publishing my poem, Morning Dew, in the national newsletter next month.”
Sam leans in, both forearms on the table, “I am just so darn proud of you.”
“It's really not that big of a deal.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. You know, some guys have wives who just watch TV and gossip all day long, but you, you’re pursuing your talents. I say bravo and well done.”
He’s smiling to himself as he goes back to cutting his meatloaf into neat bite size pieces.
“S-Justin,” you almost slip. You’re getting better at it but continuity is still a weak point.
“What is it?” He looks up, setting down his fork to give you his full attention. Justin is nothing if not attentive.
“Do you find me….attractive.”
He scoffs like you’re asking the most ridiculous question he’s ever heard.
“Of course, you’re my wife. The most beautiful woman in Arkansas,” he affirms and you can’t help but smile.
“I was thinking...” you have to be careful. You don’t want to spook him. “You’ve been working so hard and on Saturdays you have the bowling league and I have my book club. It feels we haven’t had the chance to spend much quality time together. I’ve been a little...lonely.”
“I had no idea.” He’s gravely serious, his head nodding in thought. “Well, I’ll tell you what bunny rabbit, this weekend I’ll say heck to the league and we’ll go to the opening of the new botanical gardens. That sounds nice, doesn’t it?”
He’s not even in your orbit.
“That does sound nice, but to be honest I was thinking I’d like us to spend more time together in terms of...romance.”
“Romance?” He sits back in his chair, a grimace overtaking his mouth. “Right…”
“I just - I miss you like crazy and I thought it would be good for us to...to rekindle our marriage.”
“To be honest I feel like a complete numbskull. You’re right, you always are. When’s the last time I brought you flowers? Or we went dancing at Joey's? We used to go out every Friday night. I haven’t been showing you just what a special little lady you are.”
“That’s not exactly what I-”
“I’ll start right now.” He thrusts a finger into the air. You watch as he gets up with determination, opening the cupboard under the sink and rooting around until he retrieves two tapered candles. Then he’s sorting through the junk drawer for matches. He sets both candles in the middle of the table, blowing the dust off the wicks before striking a match and lighting both.
Then he takes his seat, looking rather proud of himself and reaching across the table to squeeze your hand.
He’s having a nightcap, watching the news while you’re frantically flipping through the pages of Beatrix’s most recent journal. The other version of you tracked everything from menstrual cramps to Justin’s favorite television commercials, there must be something about your sex life.
Halfway through the pages, you spot a red dot on the upper righthand corner of a page. You flip back scanning the notes and sure enough at the bottom, in tiny cursive letters is the sentence: made sweet love
Rolling your eyes you keep going, page after page until you find another telltale red dot and the words: most romantic evening, made love and talked for hours
You flip back looking between dates. Six months.
You double check, scanning through the pages again, but there’s nothing other than sewing tips and cocktail recipes.
Six months between sweet love making, no wonder he’s wound so tight, he’s must have blue balls big enough to be seen from space.
“What are you reading?” He asks from the doorway, scaring the living daylights out of you.
“Just...some old gardening techniques.” You rebox the journal and shove it to the back of the closet.
“I’m beat,” he yawns, taking his pajamas out of the dresser drawer.
He disappears into the bathroom for his nighttime routine and you rummage through the closet in search of the one and only piece of lingerie in your wardrobe. It’s a silk nightgown that leaves plenty to the imagination. It comes almost up to your collarbone and halfway to your knees. But it’s sleeveless, thin little straps over your shoulders that show more skin than any other article of clothing you own.
“Honey,” you call to him, stripping down and pulling it over your head.
“Yes?” His voice is garbled, brushing his teeth.
“I was thinking about the conversation we had earlier and I wanted to talk to you about something else.” Pulling the thick, floor-length robe off the closet door you put it on as he wanders out of the bathroom in striped pajamas.
“Is something wrong?” He looks at you, concerned.
“No, well, nothing’s wrong per say, just...not enough.”
“I don’t follow.”
“When I was talking about wanted more romance in our relationship, I was thinking more along the lines of...intimacy.”
“Intimacy?” He stares blankly.
God, he is clueless. You’re going to be forced to spell this out.
“Tonight, I was hoping that you would...make love to me.”
Several waves of realization fall over his face. Eyebrows shooting up, his mouth falls open for a moment before he recovers. “But...my birthday isn’t until next month.”
“Why should we wait for a special occasion?” You open your robe letting it fall to the ground, revealing the modest nightgown and he reacts as if you’ve flashed him your pussy.
“Oh - oh my goodness,” he gasps softly, cheeks flushing red.
“You don’t like it?” You step closer, swinging your hips.
“I do!” He gushes, his eyes looking you over from head to toe. “I just - I wasn’t prepared.”
“What do you say?” You press yourself against him. His breath hitches as you slide two hands over his chest and around the back of his neck. “I want you.”
“What has gotten into you?” A nervous, excited grin tugs at the corners of his mouth.
“I told you, I miss you.”
“Well…” He’s clearly embarrassed but also aroused.
After methodically turning off all lights, pulling the curtains, setting the alarm and slipping over the covers, your husband kisses you with a series of closed mouth kisses. He gently pulls your nightgown up past your hips and rolls between your legs. He almost grabs your breast through the nightie but thinks better of it, instead shoving his pants down and grasping his cock.
You can’t see much, between the darkness of the room and multiple layers of blankets covering you both, but you can feel him. Sam’s cock is huge, but Justin doesn’t have a clue how to use it. He just shoves himself inside with a mighty heave, moaning and rocking deeper and deeper until you open up for him.
Normal Sam, your Sam, would have his thumb on your clit, sucking on your nipples while he's fucking you into oblivion.
But in contrast, this version of him is moving on top of your body with both hands braced beside your head. His face tucked into the crook of your neck, moaning breathlessly as he pants about how much he loves you and how beautiful you are.
You just lay there, staring at the shadow of the ceiling fan as he humps you for the better part of twenty minutes before giving a few finishing strokes and cumming.
“That was amazing.” He kisses your cheek, pulling out and rolling onto his back. “Come here, let me hold you bunny rabbit.”
It’s the first time, in a long time, that you’re utterly speechless. He pulls you into his arms, stroking your hair as if you’ve just gone wild on each other and require some kind of aftercare.
“Yeah,” you nod, laying against his chest. “That was...something else.”
“My little minx.” He teases, patting your back.
While it’s not exactly the vigorous lovemaking the vague journal entries lead you to believe, it does spark a thought. He’s got no clue what he’s doing with that beautiful cock and powerful body. But as luck would have it, you are just the woman to teach him.
Part Two is currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
Tags:  @smallgirlbigpersonality @mereka18 @gryffindorable713 @trainlikeawinchester @winchesterprincessbride @bamby0304 @saxxxology @notyourtypicalrose @mariekoukie6661
@kittenofdoomage @little-big-mac2 @emoryhemsworth @mystriee @atc74 @holyfuckloueh @bunnybaby121115 @mogaruke @darkmystress00 @jaspesangriento @kazuha159 @mirandaaustin93 @crispychrissy @schilj79 @wilde-abandon @hennessy0274-blog @bojabee @miss-samantha-winchester @impalaimagining @andkatiethings @astephez @ladycynthia @mrswhozeewhatsis @lenawiinchester @feelmyroarrrr @mrs-meghan-winchester @har-rystyles @mistressofallthingsgeeky @theamuz @maui137 @stars-and-seas @vale0413 @impala67trenchcoat @curly-haired-disaster @ericaprice2008 @livelikeawinchester @althehufflepuff @itsthesamegametoday @bohowitch @spnwoman @just-a-normal-eccentric @gallifreyansass @StoneyGGirl @lonely-skys @81mysteriouslyme @missrandomista @soupornatural @stars-and-seas @natura1phenomenon @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @81mysteriouslyme @likhelbentin @mrooks0205 @zombiewerewolfqueen @winchesterprincessbride @squirrel-moose-winchester @fortisetgloriosusinarduis @closetspngirl @dominodoll @rainflowermoonlibrary @cleighwrites @camelotandastronauts @imarockstar45  @thebeastinside19 @courtney-padalecki @itsthesamegametoday @virtualgirlfriendsan @daisymoder72 @fandom-is-my-middle-name @mysticmcu @luciferseclipse @malinda1997 @sunlight-dean @rockhoochie @collette04 @sandlee44 @ohnowin-chester @maddiepants @fandom-princess-forevermore @geeksareunique @femdeni314 @lazinessisalliknow @samwinchesterssexyface @the-yellow-girl96 @that67chevy @that-weird-asian-gorl
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